
Amazing employees deserve
amazing software

The only platform you will ever need to help run your business:
integrated apps, kept simple, and loved by millions of happy users.

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An app for every need


Без хлопотной интеграции.

If you have individual software solutions that work, but don't talk to each other, you are probably entering things more than once and missing a comprehensive overview of what's going on.

Between the Odoo apps and the tens of thousands of Community apps, there is something to help address all of your business needs in a single, cost-effective and modular solution: no more work to get different technology cooperating.

Odoo apps are perfectly integrated with each other, allowing you to fully automate your business processes and reap the savings and benefits.

«Мы заменили 14 различных приложений и увеличили выручку на 10% за один день».

Марк Петерс, Генеральный менеджер торгового подразделения

Предложение уникальной ценности

Все, что вам нужно, чтобы получить первоклассный пользовательский опыт.

Our family of apps works seamlessly together - giving you the ability to automate and track everything you do - centralized, online, and accessible from anywhere with any device.

The open-source development model of Odoo has allowed us to leverage thousands of developers and business experts to build the world's largest ecosystem of fully integrated business apps.

With a modern and elegant technical design, Odoo's framework is unique. It allows us and our community developers to provide top-notch usability that scales across all apps.

Ресурсы, обеспечивающие дополнительное удобство пользования, предусмотренное в Odoo, автоматически применяются ко всем нашим полностью интегрированным приложениям.

Finally, with regular annual releases, Odoo evolves much faster than any other solution.  

Сравнение Odoo - удобство для пользователя и сфера применения в сравнении с  Oracle, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, NetSuite и пр.
Ресурс, которому отдают предпочтение более 160000
пользователей из Гонконга
Our Customers
7Million users
grow their business with Odoo

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